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jimg-0176.jpg131 views

dscf0057a.jpg130 viewsOpening wedding presents.

img_2718a.jpg130 viewsAnne as Poison Ivy (as well) and Jess.

img_8526a.jpg130 views

img_9095a.jpg130 viewsLucy.

img_9181a.jpg130 viewsMofette.

img_9191a.jpg130 viewsLucy.

img_9213a.jpg130 viewsPity a poor Borders employee!

img_9251a.jpg130 views

img_9283a.jpg130 viewsEveryone photographing the collected dolls.

img_0535.jpg130 views

dscf0047a.jpg129 viewsCheers!

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img_2760a.jpg129 viewsThe high-power cleavage test from above.

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img_9129a.jpg129 viewsAshbet and Liz.

img_9271a.jpg129 viewsKira and Ashbet.

img_9275a.jpg129 viewsLucy.

img_9298a.jpg129 viewsThe wolfhound we saw off in the distance.

dscf0045a.jpg128 viewsOpening wedding presents.
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