Most viewed - Dollie picnic at Regent's Park, Sun 25 Jun 2006 |

img_9231a.jpg132 viewsSteve and Cavalorn, my fellow beleaguered doll husbands.

img_9233a.jpg132 viewsValli.

img_9030a.jpg131 views

img_9272a.jpg131 viewsKira and Ashbet.

img_9095a.jpg130 viewsLucy.

img_9181a.jpg130 viewsMofette.

img_9191a.jpg130 viewsLucy.

img_9213a.jpg130 viewsPity a poor Borders employee!

img_9282a.jpg130 viewsEveryone photographing the collected dolls.

img_9129a.jpg129 viewsAshbet and Liz.

img_9251a.jpg129 views

img_9271a.jpg129 viewsKira and Ashbet.

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img_9038a.jpg128 views

img_9188a.jpg128 viewsLee, with Kira behind.

img_9197a.jpg128 viewsLucy.

img_9212a.jpg128 viewsLucy.

img_9217a.jpg128 viewsAshbet, Perseus and Eric.

img_9229a.jpg128 views

img_9275a.jpg128 viewsLucy.