Most viewed - Dollie picnic at Regent's Park, Sun 25 Jun 2006 |

img_9092a.jpg141 viewsAshbet and Liz.

img_9100a.jpg141 viewsCavalorn and Aubrey.

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img_9029a.jpg140 views

img_9008a.jpg139 viewsLucy and Ripley.

img_9016a.jpg139 views

img_9026a.jpg139 views

img_9214a.jpg139 viewsLucy and Ashbet.

img_9032a.jpg138 views

img_9134b.jpg138 viewsKira being made to giggle, one frame at a time.

img_9033a.jpg135 viewsLucy and Benedict.

img_9035a.jpg135 viewsMofette with Lee.

img_9079a.jpg135 viewsAshbet.

img_9189a.jpg135 viewsMofette and Lee.

img_9224a.jpg135 viewsAshbet and Valli.

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img_9096a.jpg134 views

img_9013a.jpg133 viewsLucy and Ripley.

img_9101a.jpg133 viewsCavalorn and Aubrey, Mofette behind.

img_9232a.jpg133 viewsValli.