Last additions - Melanie and Dave's wedding reception, Fri 13 October 2006 |

img_2904.jpg365 viewsThe crowd for the karaoke.Dec 02, 2006

img_2895.jpg272 viewsMathias and Kjersti.Dec 02, 2006

img_2894.jpg233 viewsAlison.Dec 02, 2006

img_2893.jpg170 viewsMofette.Dec 02, 2006

img_2891.jpg318 viewsEve and Perf.Dec 02, 2006

img_2889.jpg328 viewsMofette's tattoo.Dec 02, 2006

img_2888.jpg178 viewsDarren and Jo.Dec 02, 2006

img_2885.jpg214 viewsSimon's hair.Dec 02, 2006

img_2884.jpg236 viewsSimon's hair.Dec 02, 2006

img_2882.jpg229 viewsMelanie.Dec 02, 2006

img_2880.jpg151 viewsDave and Liz.Dec 02, 2006

img_2879.jpg223 viewsJoolz.Dec 02, 2006

img_2877.jpg208 viewsJoolz.Dec 02, 2006

img_2875.jpg148 viewsJoolz.Dec 02, 2006

img_2874.jpg156 viewsLiz and Alison.Dec 02, 2006

img_2871.jpg238 viewsEve and Perf.Dec 02, 2006

img_2869.jpg170 viewsAlex, Jozafeen and ?Dec 02, 2006

img_2870.jpg169 viewsAlex and Jozafeen.Dec 02, 2006

img_2868.jpg151 viewsJoolz.Dec 02, 2006

img_2867.jpg260 viewsJoolz and Flook.Dec 02, 2006