For information on Walhalla, check out the page for the Walhalla Star Hotel , where we all stayed.
Barbarella as used room salesman.
Not that we're all about the vanity, or any available reflective surface.
Down t' pub, with Tiger the cat.
Handy photographic hint: you can't take pictures at dusk unless you actually want just a picturesque silhouette.
Next day: what the picturesque silhouettes were supposed to be of.
The ultimate holiday attraction: a hotel bed full of goths!
Up at the rotunda, eating picnic food and reading poetry.
Tina booting up for a night-time cemetery visit.
Barbara posing with Tina, then getting funky for Liz.
Tina and Liz posing in velvet; the kids on the couch.
Barbara gets what's left of the chick!
A hearty breakfast the morning after. Unlimited coffee.
The rotunda from the previous night, the Masonic lodge above it.
The Hospital (now a hotel), on the other side of the valley.